Humans need to keep moving to stay healthy. We weren’t designed to sit in front of a screen for 8+ hours each day and studies have shown how damaging it is, not just to our posture, but to stress levels and emotional wellbeing! Many modern office spaces see their ‘break-out space’ as a critical factor in combatting this, as a way of allowing their employees to get away from their stressors during the working day.
As well as a place for meetings and informal catch-ups a well-designed break-out space makes sense from an organisational perspective too. It creates a place for stimulating conversation, with impromptu discussions, often leading to the best ideas, which then spread to support projects within the workplace. The impact of a break-out space is incredibly influential and should not be dismissed as ‘just a lunch spot’.
Still, many modern offices forget their workforce will function better after a break, with the notion often being lost during the busy working day where time pressures are felt. However, by using foresight, and encouraging a time-out in a well-designed space productivity will increase, as time away from the screen offers employees a time to refresh returning more alert and relaxed, the more consideration put into the break-out space, the more productive and alert a company’s workforce will be. And, as a company’s office space will say a lot about the company, creating a variety of spaces, like a break-out area companies give themselves the best opportunity to retain key staff and attract great new talent. This could include filling your break-out area with comforts from the home, which offer a connection with space reminding staff to switch off. Other ideas include bringing in elements from the natural environment, timber benches, warm lighting and cosy furniture. They all combine together to provide a relaxed feel, full of comfort and relaxation.
So while working hard is essential, it’s just as necessary to take a few moments from your day to enjoy your break which is precisely why ‘Take Back The Lunch Break’ day was created. Whether these moments come in the form of exercise, getting close to nature, seeing a friend or enjoy a meal does your workplace have a break-out area that invests in their employee’s wellbeing?